About Garage Endowment Fund
All programsEndowment Fund 2:
Academic ProgramsPress
Since 2019 the endowment fund accumulates donations from individuals and businesses to support the Museum’s activities in years (and even generations) to come.
Donations to the Endowment Fund are not used to support existing activities but to generate investment income that is used for the Museum’s development or may be reinvested.
Today Garage Endowment Fund is the third largest museum endowment in Russia.
How does the endowment fund work

Target capitals
№1All programs
Endowment Fund 1 was created to support all areas of the Museum’s work. Investment income is spent on projects linked to the Museum’s collection and on public program events, as well as to support the work of the Library, Garage Archive Collection, Garage Studios and Artist Residencies at VDNKh, and Garage Screen. Investment income is also used to support publication of books and development of the Museum’s external projects.
№2Academic Programs
Endowment Fund 2 was created to support academic activities at Garage. Investment income is used to support students on Masters programs in art history and museum studies and to provide paid internships.